Thursday, January 17, 2008

Plaza Mayor is ripe with history. it was were all the festivals of madrid were held...long long tme ago. it's where bullfights used to happen and during the spanish inquisition it's where heretics where beheaded via the guillaten (i have no idea how to spell that. you know, you put a head in a hole and a blade falls and chops it off). now it's cafes and shops and still in the summertime festavils are held there. you can buy one of the tiny apartments above it for only two million euro.


Jake said...

two comments from me. plaza mayor. not plaza de mayor. stupid foreginer. and i have no idea why i thought that was the song from titanic. pretty unpatriotic of me. or was it so incrediblly patriotic of me to miss leo that much?

sarah said...

haha. you said fuck. ahaha. and you mentioned titanic. id call you something if i were within ear shot of you...
its beautiful and thanks for showing in video. complete awesomeness. and of course so nice to hear your voice. that was my favorite part actually. but your artistic camera angles were my second.
smart ass til death