Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rastro flee market

I went to the rastro today, which is a giant flee market. To say the least, it was great for watching, observing, experiencing, and aimless wondering. The only other market like this that I’ve been to is the Saturday market in Portland. Which takes place in a big open area, a big plaza if you will. Rastro, however, is not an open area. The city just closes many streets, countless, atleast twenty (remember the streets are small here and start and stop at random), and vendors set up booths and display what ever the hell they may be selling. There was quite the plethora of things there. Hippie clothes, jewelry stands, funny tshirts, watches, wallets, electronic booths, swords, knives, shoes, scarves, art—both paintings and really odd personal art like can ash trays and wire sculptures, there was even one guy selling his old clothes including a pair of boots that were worn completely out. The market was packed as well. Tons of locals, tons of tourists, tons of everybodies.
The coolest part about the market was the obscure musicians set up randomly. My favorite was a man who had twenty crystal wine glasses off all sizes set up on a home made stand. He played a full melody of music with high and low notes that rang like signing sirens. Both hands worked quickly as though he were a concert pianist. It sounded beautiful and it was just so different.
I found a huge catholic church as well. I first noticed a grand red brick building lining amongst the small cafes and apartments that line the narrow streets of Madrid. I didn’t realize it was a church until I got to the door. Inide mass was being conducted. Of course, I had no idea what was being said, but that was fine. The inside of the building was so amazing. The most grand church I have ever seen. Everything in it was exquisite. Giant pillars lined the center of the room and huge sky lights domed with stained glass. There were several monuments of Christ and mary to worship at. The center, where the pupit was had a huge wall of gold, I’m not sure if it was real gold…but still impressive. There were pictures of Christ amongst the center as well. And more columns of gold. And the wall itself was decorated with twist and turns and rises (I have no idea what to call them) of gold. It was beautiful. I knelt at a pulpit, pretended I knew what I was doing, and did the cross thing. Told god I felt him. And that was the extent of my worship. I thought it was funny that inorder to worship at the several monuments through out the room you had to pay. I know most religions have some sort of tithing, or collection dish, and what not. But literally, in order to approach the statues one had to put money into a box in the wall. And in order to light a candle (which were electric lights) at the feet of mary, one had to insert money and then the candle would glow electrically. That aside, the cathedral, or church, or whatever it was, was beautiful. Truly amazing. I had to take photos renegade style. I really doubt it’s kosher to be taking photos during mass. But the beauty was to much to not capture and share with all of you. I waited around after mass as well in order to sneak more pictures, and I had the grand I idea of somewhat hiding my camera and videotaping the church. So excuse the crappy angles of the video and what have you. But I had to be sneaky.

Anyway, another cool afternoon in Madrid.



sarah said...

another misconception. i thought faith was free. must be a ctholic thing.
the church is absolutely incredible though. id pay to stay and pray. and your description of "twists and twirls" works just fine. perfection.

Cody said...
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Cody said...

You should have requested the Titanic song be played on the crystal. Only then would I be impressed by this "Madrid" :p

Jake said...

and face the utter embaresment of admittting to all of you how much i miss leo. oh! i could not take such pain cody. but alas, i've constructed my own glass symphony and am training my till i can one day play the titanic is a fuckin' going' down song.

sivaluk_htn said...
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